What kind of node do we want to build OTG Land in?

This just occurred to me: The different races each have their own starting areas, spread out on the map. There’s no fast travel in this game.

So later on this next year we need to decide what the most common race is that people want to play and try for building up a node somewhere in the area of that race’s starting zones. (making the noob run to OTG land as easy as possible for the most players)

For those not up on it, there’s basically 9 races. There is a Lawful and Chaotic version of each of the base four Human, Elf, Orc, Dwarf. (not really Lawful/Chaotic but that’s the best way I can think of to describe it, almost more like “Happy upbringing” and “Rotten upbringing” :wink: ) There’s a 9th race, the Tulnar that can vary in appearance, reptillian, mammalian, humanoid, etc

Anyways, many months from now (closer to Persistance) we’ll look at our group makeup to find the most popular race and concentrate on nodes nearer to that starting zone.

Race doesn’t matter for anything else in the game, it’s just personal preference. There will probably be different starting base stats for the different races but your Primary and Secondary skillsets will make more difference in how your stats grow than your Race choice will.

Is “On the bones of our enemies” a viable option?

It is, but bones have a bad habit of resurrecting in MMOs!

Obviously, I vote for an ore mine in the dwarven hills. :laughing: :hammer_and_pick:

As i understand, each race will have its own starting zone and as such im guessing that each of those race members would be getting to different nodes first. That said, i would prefer something where we most of our OTG members would be concentrated around. Im personally not too concerned about PvP zones, but i would want to go for something that has at least some essential resources nearby, it would make things much easier for us

Race also offers augments for your skills the same way a secondary class does.

Racial augments

[Racial augments] are based on a character’s race and are available to each [class]

* These apply to a character’s primary [archetype]

> In keeping with our theme of Consequence, and unlike other games, race won’t just be a matter of look, with relatively inconsequential abilities tacked on. Instead they integrate deeply into our class system, augmenting and changing the basic chassis provided by our eight core archetypes. Our goal here is to create a system where an elven fighter feels different, but serves the same role as a dwarven fighter.

Luckily we have quite a few people in the Alpha and Beta tests so we’ll be able to do a lot of scouting over the next year or so :slight_smile: I’m sure we’ll be able to form a good plan of attack and have a few good ally guilds for launch

Just watched a video on the wpvp system and something clicked in my head. For the sake of those who don’t want to be yanked in the open world we should avoid military nodes that boarder religious nodes. Military nodes reduce your corruption from ganking non flagged players and religious nodes offer quests to reduce your already earned corruption. I have a feeling if such a node exists it’ll be where people do the majority of their ganking

Or it might be where people don’t do their ganking … since military nodes also open up the bounty hunting guild so the concentration of players able to track corrupted players on the map will be higher.

True. I didn’t even consider the bounty hunter system. Think I’m done trying to speculate on what’s what. Game is still so far off and most likely some systems will change based on player feedback anyway…at least we’ll have plenty of guild members in the alphas and betas to figure things out so we can have a plan of attack at launch

I wouldn’t mind being near or not to far away from a Bounty Hunter board myself. But yes, things would be much calmer for all OTGers if we were not in either of those two nodes. (just within decent traveling distance when we want to go cash in some bounties!)

Never plan on anywhere being “safe” from ganking. PvP people consider it a challenge to try and get their victims when they’re hard to get. When I played EVE-Online, there were lots of “suicide gankers” who would knowingly sacrifice a ship to kill you in 1.0 security empire space, just because.

The only way to prevent ganking is to encourage the devs to make their combat systems so that it’s not really possible. It’s not impossible, but it’s a LOT more work than just letting the community “self police”.

Very good 26 min video on nodes.

Thanks for that video Mmow; lots of good info in there. Sounds like which ever node we do go we are going to want to have a good force around to help build it up fast, or else it can be blocked off from becoming developed. Also nice to see that there is a hefty cooldown time on being sieged; always sucks if you have to constantly defned your land so you can never get anything done.

Yep, good video!

It looks to me our biggest concern is to not develop near anyone else. If someone pops up later, trying to develop near us, they’d be restricted at some point to one level below us.

I do hope we’ll be able to tell where a Node center is. For example, if we’re trying to build a port city, it would be nice to know where that node center is, down by the water or a long ways off in the woods?!?!?

Actually Bambi from the video it sounds like we are going to want a couple of guilds working the same node as us to help level it up faster. Biggest take away I got from the video is that nodes are not technically “guild owned”, but instead are player ran. Guilds will be in control of castle areas (what ever that entails). So we would probably want to get a few like minded guilds helping out in the area, and to also to help with any possible node city defense.

Sadly from the video we won’t even know what node type we would be at until it is leveled at least to 1; which will make things even more interesting. Unless they don’t bother changing it from Alpha/Beta; then it will be well known what everything is.

Well this also gets into the decision between one big guild and multiple small guilds with individually greater benefits. Since the trade off, as announced, is extra size versus extra benefits in an either/or fashion it may be more effective to have several smaller, coordinated guilds than a single one containing all members.

If we go the smaller guild route at least we’ll have plenty of people who can reserve a name with around 30 braver of worlds backers :slight_smile:

Ugh, I’ll be upfront with you all, running a guild is a lot of work. Running multiples is even more, requiring a lot more officers, etc. The benefits of having a lot of small OTG guilds is going to have to be very strong! :wink:

unless you’re all volunteering to help staff all of those guilds, hmmmm?

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