Any plans for including Empyrion?

Hello, I don’t see Empyrion on the website and I was just wondering if anyone is planning on playing it now or in the future… it’s such an awesome game.

A group of us has an Empyrion server up and running. I used to host one myself, but the decision was made to move to an actual hoster (Yay! No more admin duties!) with a different map.

More info on
And you can contact WozzleOTG or me on Steam for more information.

Dipped my toe into the game the last time it went on sale for $10. One of those games I’ll probably get back to in the future when it fleshes out a bit more.

I did manage to create a small Capital Ship design I was happy enough with to put up on Steam.

Nice one Myth :slight_smile: I might build that.

The game has come a long way. I really like your cv… looks bigger on the inside than out.

I hope OTG has a US empyrion server soon.

OTG doesn’t and won’t have an official Empyrion server. Same as with ARK, there are simply too many different mods, settings, etc to make one server viable.

I’m currently playing on a server that has mostly OTG people on it, but isn’t an OTG server. I run 5 ARK servers with mostly OTG people on it as well, but they’re not OTG servers, either. Anyone’s welcome, as long as they keep to the rules.

LOL, OTG never seems to be invested in the games I love the most. It’s all good, I must have weird tastes in games.

OTG doesn’t provide private servers for any game and for the most part, OTG doesn’t provide chapter support for games that are primarily on private servers.

My recommendation would be to check out Wozzle’s World on Discord. Many OTGers play on Wozzle’s private servers.

Yep. There’s a core group of us that plays a fair amount of different survival games.

Currently we have servers running for ARK, Empyrion, and a friend is running a Dark and Light server. See my link a bit further up in the thread.

thanks… I’ll check it out.

I couldn’t get into the wozzle server, it asked for a password.

well, Splutty is an admin on Wozzle’s site so he should be able to help you out assuming of course that Wozzle is still adding new members.

Of course we are. OTG members are the easiest, since they already know the rules to follow.

I’ll send an email with the password.