As usual I am confused.
Hey Litha, I don’t think there is a dedicated voice comm for Camelot Unchained at this time. Possibly due to the NDA still being in effect. In the future, I believe we will be using Discord. I am usually on OTG Discord in the game_dev_lobby and also on Camelot Unchained Discord in alpha_beta1_chat_en.
Got cha and THANKS!!
If there is a need for a CU Discord chat, we can get one. It is up to Madhermit
I get the link again to the guild sever, I dont know why I am having so much trouble finding the thread. I found it joined and on reboot it was gone again… argh
The me reword this because my first question was not clear on my part. -
Do we have a general OTG discord or is it only game specific?
I have already been invited and was in at one time and it could of been for pantheon if we dont have a general OTG discord chat.
Dewald , I am getting a invalid Discord link on the link you posted.
Sorry for being a PITA!
I saw you on Discord briefly several days ago. You were in the OTG Discord, but you were not a member, so you could not see the vast majority of OTG’s Discord channels. There is a process to get invited. Next time, sit in the “welcome” channel for a bit and someone will let you know what needs to be done to get setup.
I can send you another link. The Discord invite links are time sensitive so you will need to use the link I provide within 1 day.
There are several non-game text and chat channels.
I missed the link. I was in at one time but had to “change” my discord name. Thanks anyway Dewald I am going to wait for a while… When the games I am interested in get closer to release I will try the guild again
I am sure I will miss the day limit again, work is intense ATM and I login here here randomly.
Again thanks so much for the help!