General Warframe Info

Hey guys welcome to warframe I am the clan leader. If you are looking for a invite to the guild send Thormbus ingame a friend request with a message, or post here ill try and check in daily.

NOTE: This is NOT an officially supported General Games clan. No formal General Games officer(s) are appointed to monitor in-game activities. Join at your own risk.

We do use discord, we have a channel under general games please feel free to join us there. We do have a 30 day inactive policy so if your inactive for 30+ days and someone needs a invite you will be removed from the clan to make space. If you are returning to the game send me a message and you will be welcomed back. as well old timers is part of the V alliance ingame, it is the 2nd largest alliance in the game with over 10,000 members so please observe the otg rules while in alliance channel.
here are a few links to websites that have great WF info the wiki has the most info in 1 spot for frames quests and items wf builder is just that a huge amount of builds for warframes weapons and companions, from 0 forma no reactor to reactor +6 forma can be found here looking for a particular prime weapon or frame? wf reliquary makes a list of the relics needed and shows you the best places to farm them as well as drop chance % this is a simaris scan target list as well as the locations they can be found the page is great if you have a hard to find scan target. is a great site for zaw and amp calculators as well as patch notes and day nite cycle on the plains.
last but not least if your going to buy or sell anything in game do yourself the favor and use itll give you an idea of a fair price to buy and sell at.
hope the links help and if anyone needs help or has questions please feel free to contact me in game or in discord :slight_smile:

Loaded Warframe back up and would like to get in the clan. Is there offline invites messaging to facilitate that? Or do I poke at random names when I’m on?

for a invite Thormbus, coalfax, findywen templlekai and bolognapogna are officers. or just send thormbus a freind request ingame with a message or leave me you in game name here.

Sent a message to you in game as I’m in no rush and you just replied. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the invite, gonna be fun to play with guildies instead of soloing! :slight_smile:

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Well it seems I will stick with Warframe this time around. I’ve tried it once on PS4 and then on PC but hated the controls. Now that that isn’t an issue I am having a blast. I’ll have to see about getting into the clan…I was going to try to build my own solo clan but now that I have realized what it takes to do so I realize life is way to short for that! Well at least the way I enjoy playing.

What kind of a name is Thorm?

hey man i just need you to log into discord or send Thormbus a in game friend request with a note saying your otg to get you a invite to the guild.

You have already accepted my friend request ingame. I’m Rockgut. Do I need to do something else? Not sure if I need to be online for you to invite me or not. It has been very hot here and I haven’t been playing much so haven’t been on when you are online.

sry for the delay we have had a lot of new players coming into the guild. your invite has been sent.

No problem…good to hear you are busy inviting people :slight_smile:

Several of our Sinners and Saints group recently joined in. Thanks for the warm welcome!

Bunch of hoodlums, that lot.

Say HI to everyone for me, EP! And enjoy Warframe…good game. :smiley:

Will do, and many thanks, my friend!