I'm Here Deal with it :)

Hi everyone and welcome to the new site. This is a Test for me to make sure my account is setup and also ask whats next? Do I need to do something else to be a full Member of our FFXIV community here.

Post in this thread and Membership will get you hooked up. Welcome to the new site!

EDIT: The words “this thread” above are a link, btw, in case the color scheme you’re using makes that less-than-obvious.

done now what lol

Now you do whatever you do!!

so i can see the mebers area of FFXIV chapter when that is completed?

You should be able to see all of the guild’s member-only areas… for all games!

Awesome thank you!!

like your post ,

OOoo… a new forums.

Lol thats exactly what i did when i joined. thank you splatter :slight_smile:

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Hello all. Raidthor Thistlefists in FfXIV. Played Ff11 for years and new to this game. Lvl 16 pugilist. Look forward to playing with you all.

Welcome :slight_smile:

His looking to join but what world are you on?

We’re on Excalibur

Thanks for answering. I was looking for that world and cannot find it. Any ideas?

Check to make sure you’re on the right data center, Primal.

Done Thanks so much for helping a noob! Hopefully see you online!

Tapaidh Fyres is my toons name can I get an invite? Part of the Guild proper just need the invite to the FC.