Hi everyone and welcome to the new site. This is a Test for me to make sure my account is setup and also ask whats next? Do I need to do something else to be a full Member of our FFXIV community here.
Post in this thread and Membership will get you hooked up. Welcome to the new site!
EDIT: The words “this thread” above are a link, btw, in case the color scheme you’re using makes that less-than-obvious.
done now what lol
Now you do whatever you do!!
so i can see the mebers area of FFXIV chapter when that is completed?
You should be able to see all of the guild’s member-only areas… for all games!
Awesome thank you!!
like your post ,
OOoo… a new forums.
Lol thats exactly what i did when i joined. thank you splatter
Hello all. Raidthor Thistlefists in FfXIV. Played Ff11 for years and new to this game. Lvl 16 pugilist. Look forward to playing with you all.
His looking to join but what world are you on?
We’re on Excalibur
Thanks for answering. I was looking for that world and cannot find it. Any ideas?
Check to make sure you’re on the right data center, Primal.
Done Thanks so much for helping a noob! Hopefully see you online!
Tapaidh Fyres is my toons name can I get an invite? Part of the Guild proper just need the invite to the FC.