As stated above, Magic is very rare in CoE. But think of it in such a way that some people may posses it their entire lives and they will not know that they have it. Then there will be other who do not posses it and may spend a few lifetimes trying to learn it, before their soul adapts and they learn it. So basically there are two ways you are born with it and must learn how to use it. Or leran from other who posses it and try to get skilled in it and hope that one day you may yield it.
As for the rgrand vision of it all, if you are familiar with the wheel of time series, you can see where alot of the inspiration of the game comes from. Their initial hope was to make a Wheel of Time MMO, but they were never able to get the licensing for it. The whole aspect of the great game fromthe books, is where the whole dance of dynasties in the pre alpha comes from. AIn the game it will be alot of political intrigue at the higher levels of society. On the other hand the world is always looking to shift the entire balance of things. The dev once said that people should be more afraid of the world than another kingdom invading you.
I have been part of the CoE community since before the Kickstarter campaign and depending on your own game style and what you plan on doing, the sky ins thelimit. Im currently pledged at the count package, and i have been helpful with the building of the duchy of Singraven on the NA-E server. Besides that I am active in the Bordweall community one of the kingdoms onthe same server as Vornair. Basically people are joining communities, organizating and getting itdeas on what they are doing.
In Bordweall we have a number of projects going on. The biuggest one is our bi monthly stream called the Bordweall Chronicles (BBC)
There you can see that we have had devs on our stream and every time we discuss things about the development of the game. One of our most recent ones was one with Snipehunter a dev who came on and explained the crafting system. The episodes are roughly 45 min or so and good fun to watch. (I made the intro/outro to the streams :p)
Other things we have done is the creation of our Lorebooks which are 3d flip books with player lore for those who are more RP players.
Right now i would say the most active communities are Vornair and Bordweall. They are both active, but each has their own way of doing things. Vornair is one where the leader Adam has purchased multiple kingdoms, and is very much into the intrigue part of the game and trying to recruit people from all walks of life so to speak. In the end, I believe he hopes to create a melting pot of different types of players but one that more or less forces players to subscribe to a culture rather than building one. If im wrong on this please correct me on this.
The main reason I joined Bordwell was that the core values reflect those of the community and not one person’s vision. Despite being the underdog on the server they have been able to create one of the most active communities for CoE. Good organization, being active, promoting the game and the community are all things that help create a community. Something I see OTG has doen as well. The main rule in the community is don;t be a dick, and no drama. This has lead to tough decisions needing to be made which some communities even being rejected to join based on the premise that they are not a fit to the community. They might have been great to the numbers of the community, but since they did not share common values they were not asked to join. In the end its more of a we community than a me community.
Besides that there are numerous toehr communities, Fortuna, Alesia, Tyria, Bleackheart, to name a few. The one thing to realize is that the kingdoms in this game will require good and competent leadership. The estimates of player population is expected to be between 10k -20k players per kingdom. There are few kingdoms that in my eyes will survive the initial year as kingdoms and the top ones on the list i think are Fortuna, blackheart, Vornair and Bordweall.
In the end however for many people, it will be a choice of what server they intend to play on, and the community they feel that most represents them. Between now and launch a lot of things can still happen. The community in the first year shifted a lot and now you are slowly starting to see the true communities emerge.