Issue Resolution and Chain of Command

Please follow the outlined Chain of Command for all issues and questions you may have as it pertains to the guild, guild members, non-guild in-game issues or harassment, or staff members.

All issues should follow the leadership structure, continuing down the list. The only time a step should be skipped is if the issue pertains to the person assigned to that step in the chain, you are not comfortable discussing with the person at that level, or you do not receive a response. All issues should be in the form of a message on the forums, in-game tell, or if it is at the Administrative level you may send a message to the issues group on the forums.

If you fail to receive an agreeable resolution or if you receive no reply after a reasonable amount of time (2-3 days) feel free to escalate to the next level.

A list of all the administrators and moderators can be found here.

Questions about a Chapter or the Guild (Rules, procedures, information):
Chapter Officer(s) for the Chapter in question
Chapter Leader for the Chapter in question
Administrative Team
LLC Member

Issues with an individual (Follow the Chain until the issue is resolved):
Speak with said individual privately (if you choose)
Chapter Officer(s)
Chapter Leader
Administrative Team
LLC Member

Posted material is Moderated:
Moderator(s) responsible for the action
Chapter Leader
Administrative Team
LLC Member

Issues with Staff Members - (Skip the level if it involves an individual at that level or speak to another staff member on that level):
Chapter Officer
Chapter Leader
Administrative Team
LLC Member

During the resolution process, please keep as much detail as possible in case it needs to be escalated. DO NOT bypass a step just to try and get to the top. Normally a solution can be worked out much quicker at an earlier level in the chain. Issues or complaints that skip a step will be sent back to the proper level for review and will only prolong the resolution.

The Chapter Officers, Chapter Leaders and Moderators are better equipped to handle issues that pertain to their respective areas. They are the ones in the games, on the forums, and in the voice channels to assist with issues as they arise.

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