Map Voting starts Oct 22nd

Announcement here.

Are we expecting guidance from Vornair/Fenixvalle once the maps are made public, or are we just voting higgledy-piggledy? I expect the latter, but wanted to ask the question and spur discussion.



  1. Go here

  2. Select Luna (NA-E)

  3. Select/view Map N

  4. Use the pulldown menu at the bottom to select all of your votes and vote Map N.

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Duchess Cynn â“‹ :owl:Today at 8:27 PM

We were going to talk about that tonight but gonna change the meeting to this weekend. Everyone post here the best days/times for this weekend.

We get to vote on which map we want to have on our server. We have 11 days so don’t vote for one until we see which the kings picked and get to talk about it.

There’s going to be a meeting about it this weekend. Check the Kingdom and Duchy Discords for details.

I was reading about this and will be available all weekend. I was wondering which server NA-E or NA-W we would be voting on.

The Kingdom is on NA-E

thanks, that is what I was thinking.

King Adam Rhyne â“‹Yesterday at 6:41 PM

@Gentry Map Voting seems to be up: Chronicles of Elyria - Next Gen Dynamic MMORPG Feel free to vote how you would like, although if you would like to coordinate with the community just hold your vote for a short couple of days and through discussions our leadership team will release what we feel is the best map for our community and for the dynamics of the server.


King Adam Rhyne â“‹Yesterday at 11:12 PM

@Gentry the leadership is still finalizing our desires for map selection. We have sat in a channel for the last 4 hours, and we are very close to a decision. We will work to get a decision to you within 24 hours of seeing the duchy boarders on the maps. Next phase is that I bring our preferences to the other Monarchs of NA-E and see if there is any consensus. You are under no obligation to hold your votes if you dont want to, you are free to vote as you so desire. However, if you would like to wait for us to give out what we believe to be best for our Kingdom and our Server then please hold your votes until we have put out an announcement here.


King Adam Rhyne â“‹Yesterday at 8:16 PM


Thanks to everyone for your input over the last 48 hours since Map Voting was released. This has been an awesome exercise in how your Kingdom can come together to analyse a concept and arrive to a coordinated response. I have worked with your Dukes and Duchesses to arrive to the following announcement, on which we have all agreed:

Based upon the response from our community, we agree that Kingdoms 1 and 2 will be the the priority preference for the Kingdom, so long as we get a favourable Map.

To select a specific map, we have weighed the community’s input with the mechanical, defense and resource advantages of each map, and agree that the best map for the Kingdom of Vornair will be Map N.

With that said, your Leadership strongly encourages you to vote as you see fit. We have all gathered here to find a place where each person can find the playstyle that they want, and because of this, your vote in this democratic process is your own choice.

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We’re nearing the last 24 hours. Caspian has been posting the latest from the polling here daily. Check the comment section.


Caspian - 9 minutes ago

Map Voting Round 1 (Server Pool Voting) has come to a close! With no further ado, here are the maps Angelica, Luna, and Selene will be voting on in Round 2!

Thanks everyone for your participation, we’ll see you back here Monday for the next round of voting!

Angelica (NA-W)

  1. I
  2. H
  3. S
  4. K
  5. G

Luna (NA-E)

  1. A
  2. N
  3. R
  4. T
  5. J

Selene (EU)

  1. B
  2. L
  3. C
  4. Q
  5. P

King Adam Rhyne â“‹Today at 12:57 PM


Ultimately we are thrilled with the results. Some of our leaders did our best to try and help Alesia out over night which is why you saw such a drop in the influence for N the last couple of days. We were fighting the good fight so that Alesia can keep their top pick into round two. That being said, lets look forward to topography in round 2 and get your feedback into your dukes / communities so that we can help determine which of these 5 maps will be the NA-E official map!