Monthly Giveaway set for October 14th!

Our next giveaway is approaching fast and already lots to give away. 1.5 million in gold. 5 shadowrend mask and shoulder pages. 5 big eared ginger pets. Ilambris mask and shoulder pages. Molag kena mask and shoulder pages. Drop us a follow and join us on twitch.

If you want to help support the channel you can purchase your gametime and crown crates for ESO through our channel. We get a cut and you get an in game crate from ZOS for spending money you would already spend. If you have amazon Prime you can sub to the channel every month for free! Stopping by to say hi and hitting the follow button also helps! See ya in game!

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You had me at giveaway. Followed!

what time will you start?

We will start at 3pm central.

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Just a reminder to join us this sunday afternoon for the monthly giveaway stream! Hope to see you there!

Congrats to our winners. Thanks to those who stopped by. =)

Mothly Give Away-October 14th!

***Ilambris’ Mask and Shoulder nophate_ @wembley *sent

***Molag Kena Mask and Shoulder sommersstar @sommersstar *sent

***500,000 Gold and shadowrend mask page nophate_ @wembley *sent

***Shadowrend Mask and Shoulder Molarean @molarean *sent

***Shadowrend Mask and Shoulder nophate @wembley *sent

***Shadowrend Mask and Shoulder otgroml @roml *sent

***Shadowrend Mask and Shoulder sommersstar @sommersstar *sent

***Shadowrend Mask and Shoulder notgramma @notgramma *sent

***Runebox: Big-Eared Ginger Kitten sommersstar @sommersstar *sent

***Runebox: Big-Eared Ginger Kitten otgroml @roml *sent

***Runebox: Big-Eared Ginger Kitten kaludram @kaludram *sent

***Runebox: Big-Eared Ginger Kitten esspressodoubleshot @kappucino *sent

***Runebox: Big-Eared Ginger Kitten lunafungi @beatnik1 *sent

***100,000 Gold sassy31 @sassy31 *sent

***100,000 Gold zypherdarkstar @zypherdarkholme *sent

***100,000 Gold sassy31 @sassy31 *sent

***100,000 Gold rpgkat48 @annwynn *sent

***100,000 Gold otgroml @roml *sent

***100,000 Gold cptteempo @felita *sent

***100,000 Gold lassiter @lassiters *sent

***100,000 Gold cptteempo @felita *sent

***100,000 Gold notgramma @notgramma *sent

***100,000 Gold rpgkat48 @annwynn *sent


I only popped in for a bit but looked like a lot of fun. Was busy helping my son with college applications.

We took a break and checked it out and I told my son it was a stream run by some members of the Old Timers… and they really do look like Old Timers! :wink: