I just got no man’s sky and I really enjoy it. If anyone wants to play together when the multi-player patch releases my psnid is caystarro
I’ll add ya. Psn bigDaddyHonk I still have it installed but never reached the center yet and have lost all sense of what is going on in the updates. Are we supposed to be able to actually play with other folks now?
I’m having a last in nms after this update, but I’m on the PC version.
I’m also playing on ps4. Do we need ps+ for the multiplayer? Buddyleviathon is my psn. (yes, i also have buddyleviathan, but long story short im a member of otg for a reason. )
I’m playing on PC every day.
Steam name is NewpieBox. If that doesn’t work, Try Xeriah.
I look forward to seeing you in game!
I’m picking up NMS this Friday. Look forward to meeting you guys in-game. Xeriah I’ll add you once I get it downloaded.
I’ve got about 60 hours in so far, I found a spot to build my base. I’m just taking it easy, having fun along the way. I’m on PC and Bubbagrim is my character. Add me, bug me just don’t blow up my base!