I bought this a few days ago after the stellar reviews from the “old school” gaming community, with the warning that the graphics were well below standard. While they are below standard, I lowered my expectations and I am blown away by this game. The profession systems, questing, NPC interaction, exploration mechanics, skills, crafting…omg the CRAFTING, are so far outstanding! This game grabbed me like no other has since EQ1. This is what I’m going to play for now. I’ve had my eye on others (Pantheon, Star Citizen, Ashes of Creation) and I was looking for something to pass the time until these were further developed…this is it! Anyone else playing that can recommend a guild?
I have floated in and out of Gorgon for awhile now and I know there are others here in OTG who do so as well. Not sure of any guilds though as there was no guild functionality the last time I played…guess I need to check out the latest changes.
I played it for a bit. Fun but things I didn’t like as well. May try again at another time.
yea this is a game I picked up a few months ago too and been playing off and on solo.
There isn’t an OTG guild but I remember somebody posting on the old forums they were a part of a guild very similar minded. I’m assuming there are guild features now.
The game is a little “clunky” for me but I still find myself going back to it occasionally. I do like the structure of the various systems and pretty cool you can play as a Cow. lol
I believe I will need to try this game out myself. It look quite interesting.
I am playing this daily. This will be my game till P:RotF.
There is so much to do and the GMs/Guides are very active and always do events.
Look me up in game. Character name is DOMlNO. (Spelt D O M L N O) the L is lower case.
Game has guild functionality now, and it is pretty active. I’m hoping some OTG presence is in the game.