PvE Server

Wife and I run a server if any care to join. We have 10 slot server atm but if it fills we will up it to 20 and so on.
Mods needed to join:

Less Building Placement restrictions
Greater camera Distance
Level 60 Legendary chest reg.
Litman level 156

Wife doesn’t PvP so it is a PvE server only. Only partial nudity is enabled has my daughters occasionally play. If anyone wishes to join us just send me a message and I will send you server info.


I wouldn’t mind giving it a try. I am trying to find a stable, long term server. You guys going to keep it up for a while?

We plan to. We enjoy the game even though it has lots of flaws still atm.

Everyone has been really friendly. Thanks for putting up the invite :smiley:

Np =)

Are you guys still running the server? Sent a PM requesting access several days ago, but I’m still learning the new forums and may have screwed that up. :slight_smile:

The server certainly is up and running, very well in fact.

I haven’t seen Dificeman or his wife for a few days though - something more important keeping them away most probably. When I do see them, I’ll let them know you sent a PM, though they’ll probably know by then anyway :slight_smile:

PM sent. Would love to get on for two slots.

Thank you for hosting what sounds like a great server.


Sorry folks I have had a lot going on in RL. While I have been trying to make sure server is up I have not been checking forums. Replies have been sent back out. If you have any issues let me know.

My apologies folks. Some of you know I have been having some medical issues. I have also lost several close family members last few months. Just lost my father a few weeks ago. As a result right now i am simply not mentally or financially willing to keep the server going. I do not believe I have even checked on it since my father’s passing.
Again my apologies. Maybe later I will be more up to doing it and keeping it going again , but I simply can not right now. Best of luck.

Very sorry to hear of your losses. You and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers.

Apologies for the delay in resposing to this post, I haven’t been around for a while myself. So sorry to hear the bad news. It’s a time for the family to pull together. Hope to see you around again soon.