Hey folks,
In Game Update 5.10 we will be introducing a brand new system to the game, Guild Leveling. Guild Levels tie heavily into both Conquests and Guild Perks, so please look out for forum posts on both of those other topics to get the full picture of what is changing! Fair warning, there is a lot of information to cover so expect a fairly long post.
Here is a TLDR for you: Guild Levels are earned via Conquest Points. As you gain levels you can slot perks into your Guild Ship to provide a variety of benefits, leveling also gives you new benefits for XP, CXP, and Reputation gain.
What is Guild Leveling and How Does it Work?
Guild leveling is fairly simple at its core. Similar to a player character, Guilds will now earn Guild Experience. As they hit the next Guild XP target, they will level up. Guilds start at level 1 and can theoretically, level infinitely.
Guild XP is earned by players in the Guild earning Conquest points. Players will earn 2 Guild XP for every 1 Conquest points earned. Ex: If a player reaches their Personal Weekly Conquest target of 15,000 Conquest points, they would earn 30,000 Guild XP for their Guild.
Currently, there is a weekly Guild XP cap of 8,000,000 (or 4,000,000 Conquest points worth). We expect that our very large Guilds will regularly hit the cap, but the majority of Guilds will not.
Every time a Guild levels up, a few things happen:
•They receive a fixed amount of Guild Commendations (these are used to purchase Guild Perks)
•The amount of XP, CXP, and Reputation earned by the Guild increases. These values start at 5% XP, 5% Rep, and 0% CXP and they steadily increase until they cap at 15% XP, 15% Rep, and 10% CXP. ◦This is a new benefit as players can now reach higher bonuses to XP and Rep than ever before, without relying on Guild size. Plus we have introduced a new bonus to CXP which did not exist previously.
•At specific Guild Level breakpoints, Guilds will qualify to purchase higher Tiers of Guild Perks.
What Are Our Goals?
Now that you have a basic understanding of how Guild Leveling works, let’s talk about how we arrived at this plan and what our goals are. First and foremost, we wanted to add a whole new set of incentives for players to be a part of a Guild. SWTOR is a social game at its core and so we want to do all that we can to encourage people to play together. However, we also understand that many players like to play with just their small circle of friends in small Guilds, and so the system needed to work for everyone. Second, one of our goals for Conquests was to work as a system to incentivize players to be rewarded for playing any and all content in SWTOR. By tying Conquests and Guild Leveling together it means that by simply playing the game, you will be earning Guild XP for your Guild. Whether you want that to be a focus of your Guild to level as fast as possible, or to just let it happen, you should be gaining Guild levels as you play.
In a moment we are going to share some key breakpoints that exist in our plan for Guild leveling. We built these targets with two key pieces of information. The current amount of Conquest points that Guilds are earning across all yield sizes and the continued potential for Conquest point gains based on the additional Conquest changes coming in 5.10 and the added Conquest point potential from Perks.
Let’s talk about some specific numbers for Guild Leveling. Two quick disclaimers:
•As always, everything is subject to change.
•It is unlikely we would make any sweeping changes from these targets until all of you get your hands on it. These numbers are already based on Weekly Conquest data, and so we are going to be hesitant in any big changes until we see how it plays on live. Just know that we will be monitoring this every week along with listening to your feedback to look for areas to make changes.
Reminder – 1 Conquest Point = 2 Guild XP
For context on XP vs Leveling, going from level 1 to level 2 requires 1,000,000 Guild XP. Going from 2-3 requires another 1,010,000 -or- 2,010,000 total (for the math lovers out there, this curve is not necessarily incremental). We expect that Guilds which are hitting Small Yield Planetary targets will be gaining around 3 or so levels a week. This can vary greatly based on Guild size and activity.
Here are some key breakpoints:
•Level 6 – Guild reaches 10% bonus XP and Reputation
•Level 12 – Guild qualifies for Tier 2 Guild Perks
•Level 32 – Guild qualifies for Tier 3 Guild Perks
•Level 40 – Guild has capped XP and Reputation Gains at 15% bonus
•Level 49 – Guild qualifies for Tier 4 Guild Perks
•Level 51 – Guild has capped CXP Gains at 10% bonus
•Level 64 – Guild qualifies for Tier 5 Guild Perks (current highest tier)
•Level 65+ – Guild will continue to earn Guild Commendations but there is no gameplay benefit beyond level 64. There will be cosmetic rewards that may be introduced in a later patch tied to Heraldry that will take Guild Level into account.
We know that some of you may do the math on average levels per week and the breakpoints of some of these benefits and be concerned. This is one of the reasons we are also introducing a cap. We want to show you the breakpoints so that you know that this is a system with a long tail on it, that we intend to support for a long time going forward. Guild Leveling isn’t meant to be something your Guild can do in a week and then just ignore. We want to be able to provide something new that your Guild can be working towards every week!
Also, by having a cap we know the pace that the fastest possible Guilds can level. This allows us to plan when and how to introduce perks into economy. Definitely take a look at our Perk post to get your head around how Perks can affect your Guild.
This is a lot of information to digest. Please, let us know your feedback!
Conquest Changes in 5.10 | 11.09.2018, 05:36 PM
Hey folks,
With all of the Guild Changes coming in Game Update 5.10, we also wanted to make some changes to Conquests. As you will learn later today on PTS, Guild Leveling and Perks are tied directly into Conquests, so there is no better time than this update to make some changes.
Before we dive into the specifics we want to ensure that you understand what we are trying to achieve with Conquests in 5.10. Keep these goals in mind as you review the planned changes.
•We want to continue to ensure you expect weekly consistency in Conquest Objectives. We are doing this for three reasons: ◦We heard your feedback from our first round of Conquest changes that you felt that there should be Objectives in every Conquest for most gameplay styles.
◦With Guild Perks, players will have the ability to add new Daily Repeatable Conquest Objectives to fit their Guilds playstyle.
◦Guild XP is tied to Conquest Points and so you need to know what to expect in each week’s Conquest reliably.
•Create methods to allow players to earn more Conquest points.
•Incentivize Guilds to commit earlier to prevent “planet sniping.”
•The following Objectives have been added to every Conquest: ◦Complete any Chapter (repeatable)
◦Complete any round of the Eternal Championship (repeatable)
◦Complete Round 10 of the Eternal Championship (daily)
◦Defeat enemies anywhere, you must complete step 1 before you can complete step 2, etc: 1: 100 Enemies (daily)
2: 125 Enemies (daily)
3: 250 Enemies (daily)
◦Obtain 8 badges in a Warzone (repeatable)
•The following Objectives have been removed” ◦Defeat Imperial / Republic Guards
•Guilds will now earn a small bonus on all Conquest points earned once they have committed to a planet. The team is trying to balance the bonus % between offering incentives to Guilds for committing early, and not “planet sniping” but we also don’t want to punish Guilds who don’t immediately commit. I am still working with the dev team on locking down the exact bonus but will get it for you next week.
In addition to the changes above, there are a number things that are a part of Guild Leveling and Perks which will also impact Conquest. Definitely take a look at those posts!
Please let us know your thoughts as Conquests are a big part of the Guild changes in 5.10. Thanks everyone.
Guild Perks in 5.10 | 11.09.2018, 05:37 PM
Hey folks,
There are a lot of changes coming to Guilds in 5.10. Be sure to read up on the Conquest changes and especially all about how Guild Leveling works. Guild Leveling is especially relevant to understanding Guild Perks. Let’s start with what Guild Perks are, how you get them, and how you use them. At the bottom of the post I will include a very large list of some very specific Guild Perks we are looking at using.
What is a Guild Perk?
Simply put a Guild Perk is something that can apply to your Guild to give it a specific benefit. Maybe you want to have increased mount speed when you are out and traveling. Maybe your Guild is Flashpoint focused and so you want some extra rewards from Flashpoints. These are examples of some of the things you can accomplish with Perks.
What are our Goals for Guild Perks?
What we want to be able to do is to give your Guild the power to really focus in on what you enjoy! Perks give a mechanism where players can effectively say “We are a PvP focused Guild” and mean it in new ways. Now, not only are you like minded players, but you can focus perks, benefits, and additional rewards to your chosen playstyle.
Guild Perks along with Guild Levels provide great incentives for Guilds to remain active. This also provides new ways for Guild Leaders to recruit around specific play-styles along with rewards to encourage participation in Guild activities!
How to Acquire and Apply Them?
Guild Perks have up to 3 costs to purchase them:
•Guild Commendations
•Reinforcement Modules
•There may also be a minimum Guild Level required, depending on the Tier of the perk
Credits must be spent from the Guild Bank, so this is a good mechanism to get everyone contributing to the cause. Guild Commendations are earned in a couple of ways:
•When your Guild Levels up ◦5-10 per level
•When/if your Guild reaches an Invasion Yield Target ◦Small Yield – 70 Commendations
◦Medium Yield – 80 Commendations
◦Large Yield – 90 Commendations
Reinforcement Modules is a new blueprint which players acquire by combining 10 Reinforcement Components. Reinforcement Components are a bind-on-pickup crafting material which is acquired in a couple of ways:
•As a part of completing your Weekly Yield Target.
•A rare chance to acquire during harvesting if you have the “Harvesting Yield I / II / III” Guild Perk equipped.
•Can be earned by completing specific Heroic Missions on Ossus if players are in a Guild group with the “Ossus Reinforcement” Perk active.
Once a player has 10 Components, they simply right click them to combine into a Reinforcement Module which they can then donate to the Guild.
Perks are purchased directly via their Perk Nodes. Perk Nodes exist as a new user interface on your Guild Flagship. I should pause for a moment, Guild Flagships are required to use Perks. As a part of that requirement we understand that their cost can be prohibitive to some Guilds and so in GU 5.10 their cost will be lowered from 50,000,000 down to 15,000,000.
You are able to slot Perks based on your Flagship room unlocks, up to 6 Perks. Each Node is assigned to a specific room and that room must be unlocked to assign its respective Perk. Basically, each Perk has a Node (room) requirement and reminder, the Bridge is unlocked by default with Guild Ship purchase… Here are the Nodes:
•Two Nodes ◦Bridge
•One Node Each ◦Forward Command Room
◦Starboard Command Room
◦Port Command Room
◦Engine Room
In the interface you would simply click the node which will give you a pop-up where you can purchase and apply your chosen Perk. Assuming of course you meet the requirements, and can pay the cost.
Perk Details
Perks themselves have a variety of statistics you will want to be aware of before purchasing. Let’s give you an example of a Perk and talk about each of its components.
Summon Guild Bank
Grants Activated Ability to summon the Guild Bank for the Player
Duration: 3 Minutes // Cooldown: 15 minutes
Perk Duration: 28 days // Tier: 1
Cost(s): Guild Commendations: 0 // Credits: 900,000
Room: Forward Command Room // Set: Fortune
This perk is purchased and applied into the Forward Command Room Node for 900,000 credits. There is no Commendation or Reinforcement Module Cost. It is Tier 1 so your Guild can purchase it at any level. Once applied, this Perk will last for 28 days unless your Guild replaces it. On the 28 day mark the Perk will expire and no longer function.
This Perk grants everyone in the Guild the ability to summon access to the Guild Bank in the field for 3 minutes. Once activated, that ability will go on cooldown for 15 minutes.
Last part, which may have raised an eyebrow is that this perk is a part of the Fortune set. There will be 5 Guild Perk sets at launch. This adds an extra layer of choice when placing your Perks. Does your Guild want to go after a set bonus? Do you prefer to just choose the best 5 perks? It is up to you. Since I used Fortune in the example above, here is Fortune’s current set bonus (which is acquired by slotting 4 Fortune perks):
•Increase Critical Chance by 5% in Operations and Flashpoints
•Increase Efficiency and Critical Chance for all professions by 2%
There are also two types of Perks, Core and Cycling. Core Perks, such as Summon Guild Bank, typically only cost Credits and are always available. Cycling Perks are typically more powerful with higher requirements, and are only available for a limited time. Our current plan is that they will cycle every couple of weeks or so. This gives us a lot of flexibility in being able to introduce special, powerful, limited time Perks!
Let us know your thoughts on Guild Perks! We are really excited about this system as it really gives players the power to tailor their Guild to be exactly what they want.
Tentative list of some upcoming Guild Perks (this is not a comprehensive list, expect changes to these before launch including removal)
•Group Resurrection – Grants an ability to all guild members which resurrects your entire party. Can only be used outside of combat. 6 hour cooldown. 14 day duration.
•Summon Guild Bank – Summons a guild bank for the player. 15 minute cooldown. 28 day duration.
•Cleanse Negative Effects – Remove all negative effects from the player. 6 hour cooldown. 14 day duration.
•Movement Speed Boost – Increases speed by 10/20% for one hour. 6 hour cooldown. 28/14 day duration.
•Stat Boost – Increases Damage or Crit or Mastery or Endurance by 3/5% for an hour. 6 hour cooldown. 28/14 day duration.
•Passive Stat Boosts – Increase Endurance by 6/9/12% or Mastery by 4/6/8% in Flashpoints or Operations. 28/28/14 day duration.
•Increased Energy Regeneration – Increases energy regeneration by 3% for 1 hour. 6 hour cooldown. 28 day duration.
•Increase Received Healing – Increases incoming healing by 3% for 1 hour. 6 hour cooldown. 28 day duration.
•Profession Research/Crit chance bonus – Increases Efficiency or Crit Chance for all professions by 5% for 1 hour. 6 hour cooldown, 28 day duration.
•XP Increases – Increases experience gains by 3/5/7%. 14/14/28 day duration.
•CXP Increases – Increases Command experience gains by 3/5/7%. 14/14/28 day duration.
•Rep Increases – Increases reputation gains by 5/10/15%. 14/14/28 day duration.
•Conquest Point Increase – Increase conquest points awarded by 10/20%. 14/28 day duration.
•New Mount Skills – Adds a shield/AoE knockback/speed boost ability usable while mounted. 14 day duration.
•New Conquest Objectives Adds new Conquest objectives to your available list, based on which type of game activity you like doing. Can add Flashpoints, Operations, Warzones, GSF, or Crafting objectives.
•Harvesting Yield – 5/10/15% chance to gain more items while harvesting. Also can grant Reinforced Components (required for high-tier guild perks). 28 day duration.
•Reduced Harvest Time – Reduces time to harvest nodes in the world by 15/30/45%. 28/28/14 day duration.
•Crew Skill Efficiency – Increases efficiency for gathering/mission/crafting crew skills by 3/5/7%. 28 day duration.
•Crew Skill Critical – Increases critical chance for gathering/mission/crafting crew skills by 1/2/3%. 28/28/14 day duration.
•Crew Skills – Increase harvest yield, harvest time, gathering efficiency, and/or crit chance for Crew Skills.
•Sprint Speed – Increases sprint speed by 50/75/100%. 28/28/14 day duration.
•Mount Speed – Increase mounted speed by 10/15/20%. 28/28/14 day duration.
•Decreased Quick Travel Cooldown – Decreases cooldown time by 60/90/120 seconds. 28 day duration.
•Ossus Daily Quest – Adds Reinforced Components as rewards for Ossus repeatable quests. 28 day duration.
•Reduced damage while stunned – Reduces damage while stunned by 5/10%. 28 day duration.
•Increased group content rewards – Increase XP, CXP, and Rep in Flashpoints/Operations/GSF (and Valor in Warzones) by 5/7/9%. 28 day duration.
•Increased adrenal/stimpack duration – Increase duration of adrenals and stimpacks in Flashpoints/Operations by 10/20/30%. 27 day duration.
•Increased Ops crafting drops – 5/10/15% for crafting kit to drop from bosses while in a guild group. 28 day duration.
•Cost Reductions – Reduce cost of GTN Commission or Repairs,by 5/10/15%. 28 day duration.
•Increased AoE Loot Range – Increase the range at which enemies can be looted by 50%. 28 day duration.