The Seering Plague Event

Carewen 8/13/2018 at 4:30 PM

We’ve got a theory - the event contains puzzles
First, we’ve got a theory that this event may contain a number of puzzles. We’re currently preparing to test this theory! In the first round, we’re looking to test with Herbalists, Corpsetakers, Undertakers and Sages. We need 5 of each. If you’d like to help in this test DM @Sin

We really need Herbalists

Contact Us!
If you’re interested in being a part of the Theory Test and are a Herbalist, Corpsetaker, Undertaker or Sage DM @Sin
If you have access to Plague, DM @Sin

Carewen 8/13/2018 at 4:31 PM

While we test a theory, our strategy is simple. Raise the Purity bar to 15%

  • We want all active players using their skills to attack the bars with skills, trying to get the Purity bar to 15%
  • We are going to consolidate efforts by moving the existing Vornair SP channel over to the Think Tank
  • We are brainstorming ways to answer the questions, What other ways can we raise awareness about this event? and Why should I care about being active in the event?
    – We’re going to be working on more guides, a video guide, and a few other ways to get the word out there

To help prepare for the above we’re recruiting an Engagement Coordinator and Team:

  • We need volunteers to monitor #landing-page-ss-role-request . When new players arrive they now get the two easy guides PMed
  • However, we want the Engagement Team to help newly arriving players understand how they can play the game and/or how they can help?
  • We also want the Engagement Team to support active players to take on a “Handler” role

Contact Us!
If you’re interested in being a part of the Engagement Team in some way message @Carewen

Visual Guides for all Searing Plague Roles

T1 Pure

Tier 2 Pure

Tier 1 Plagued

Tier 2 Plagued

Carewen 8/14/2018 at 11:29 AM
@everyone Thanks to @Elsy and the Theorycrafting team we have a visual role guide for all 16 roles above ^! Please share as far and wide as you can.

Updated image links 8/20/2018 7:52am EST

Daily Update

8/14/2018 4:31pm EST

very nice sheets by the vornair community :wink:

1 Like

Daily Update:

Plague %: 39.5697 | Purity %: 14.9250

8/16/2018 at 12:20am EST

Daily Update:

Plague %: 39.5675 | Purity %: 15.9589

8/16/2018 at 11:57 pm EST


Plague: 48% | Purity: 20%

8/20/2018 4:05am EST

Carewen ⓋLast Thursday at 1:08 PM

We have changed this Searing Plague channel to VIEW ONLY. (#searing-plague)

Monitoring links and questions in two separate discords was putting extra effort on the volunteers we have working on this.

You are invited to join the think tank where efforts are consolidated…
Think Tank

Duchess Cynn the Sage Ⓥ :owl:Last Saturday at 3:32 PM
Reminder to All:

Elyria needs you! Please,if possible,bank your Purity thru the Think Tank to support the Kingdom’s goals. An active T2 Pure Player can recoup a cure in 9 days, so long as they are maximizing their abilities.

  • If we’re going to win this game we have to focus on boosting active Pures to T2 roles first for the extra seals generated, and then cures later on(although we are still trying to do a few cures each week if they have been very active.)
  • Losing this event means there could be a Plagueland biome in your area which will make the game that much harder for everyone. If you’re not sure about what that means read [Snipe’s forum post] on what a plagued biome would be like. In short, we need as many of you as possible to support the Kingdom’s effort through the Think Tank.

-Curing will happen. If others see you’re active on the Think Tank they may step in and cure you. The Think Tank is asked by people with lots of Purity on a daily basis who should be cured next, so it would benefit you as well to be in there. If you do not have the time or desire to join that discord, you can still help in other ways.

Any questions or links needed, you can DM directly:

  • @Duchess Cynn the Sage Ⓥ :owl:
    If you need a link to dump purity or plague:
  • @hinata1711

Duchess Cynn the Sage Ⓥ :owl:Yesterday at 3:41 PM
The Knowledge BrokerToday at 2:27 PM
Hello everyone! In an effort to keep us all informed on the goings-on, below is a list of data gathered from both inside this Think Tank and The Searing Plague as a whole.

Today’s results are:

Outbreak Progress: 2.0502%
Cure Progress: 1.3476%
Purity Dumped in the Bar: +250 Purity
Plague Neutralized: 55 (Lower is better)
Members Cured: 3
New Think Tank Members: +25


  • Another wave of Plague carriers died off today! Thus, the progress of the Outbreak has slowed down
  • @Gavinaugh was cured! Congratulations!
  • @SqueakyWheels was cured! Nice job!
  • @Zinfaar was cured! Great going!

@here The bodies piled high on the pyres, as corpsetakers, guards, and soldiers struggled to keep the streets calm and free of infection. Meanwhile, huddled together in dark and smoky rooms, amid the gasps and cackles of the dying, scores of nurses, plague doctors, herbalists, and sages struggled to find a cure. Check out the latest lore and new benefits that come with hitting 15% on the cure bar. Forums - Chronicles of Elyria

Vye 08/17/2018
@here In misfortune, swindlers and frauds see only fortune. Even more prolific than the plague are its purported remedies! Blog - Community - Chronicles of Elyria

Sagehunter 08/20/2018
@here The aristocracy struggles to contain the outbreak of the Searing Plague but, despite their best efforts, the infection spreads! As the outbreak reaches previously unheard of levels, panic and uncertainty grip the populace: Blog - Community - Chronicles of Elyria (Note: Changes will take effect at the 1pm Pacific update window.)

Sagehunter 8/23/2018 at 4:16 AM
@everyone The race for the cure is sure to reach 25%, so without further adieu: A realization about the nature of the disease leads to a breakthrough in the fight against the Searing Plague! Find out more: Blog - Community - Chronicles of Elyria (Note: These changes will not go into effect until the 9am PDT game update.)

Vye 8/24/2018 at 1:00 PM
@here Searing Plague Week 3 Lore Update: The Searing Plague caused many deaths, yet the illness itself was not always the cause, merely the catalyst, for foul deeds… Blog - Community - Chronicles of Elyria


Outbreak: 60.5% | Cure: 31.2%

8/27/2018 2:06am EST


Outbreak: 58.7% | Cure: 37.6%

8/30/2018 1:19am EST

Wow, the outbreak bar went down and the cure bar jumped up in two days. I think we can beat this thing!!!

Cure 37.5%: Congratulations on meeting Caspian’s challenge while accomplishing the 37.5% milestone along the race for the cure! The Generate Purity action will generate 2 purity instead of 1! As a result of this milestone, all players who qualify for a tier 2 pure role by the end of the event will receive a vial of disinfecting tincture. This tincture of vinegar and alcohol can be used to disinfect items (remove infectious agent properties from items) in game and this reward includes the recipe to make more. Additionally, the Outbreak Bar is reduced by 5%!

1 Like

Sagehunter 8/30/2018 at 12:08 AM
@everyone Not only do you smash the next milestone on the Cure Bar, but you used it to rise to meet Caspian’s Challenge, too! There are rewards to be had and lore to bear witness! Generate more purity! Keep the plague off your stuff! Find out more: Blog - Community - Chronicles of Elyria (Note: These changes will not go into effect until the 9am PDT game update.)

Carewen Ⓥ8/30/2018 at 8:11 PM

I’d like to start by thanking all our Think Tank volunteers, and the active players who helped us accomplish yesterday’s milestones! This whole event has been a remarkable showing by @everyone in the global community (well, except for the pro-plaguers of course) :wink:

We’ve got two weeks left, and we want to make the most of them. I’ve been speaking with leaders of a few SP groups and there is a consensus for the next 24-48 hours. We’ve asked our @Theory Crafting Coordinator to work with other math-geeks to work some numbers. We’ve pushed some interim analysis out and are inviting theorycrafters through Elyria to prove it right or better. Once that’s done, we’ll strive to work as a global community to agree on a strategy for the final phase of this event. For now, we will continue with eliminating plague pre-reset, and curing ACTIVE plagued.

In the meantime:

  1. We encourage anyone with plague to dump to check in with the Plague Elimination Team and the #plague-elimination channel in the hours before reset. Their role is to use their abilities to eliminate plague. And they do it very well
  2. Use #bank-links for purity and plague. Do NOT dump your plague to links you do not trust!
  3. Dump your Purity into the Cure Bar. Do NOT neutralize. Use #bank-links or #plague-elimination and we’ll deal with your plagued marks for you.

Reach out to your regions, communities, check your contact lists, and social media accounts. If you know of anyone who could be involved convince them to get involved. Now that we’re more organized, we know how to get players up to speed quickly, and get them engaged with a small team. A surge in new players could make all the difference!

May the cure be with us!