The Vornair Kingdom Parade and Circus

Hey all. So, I mentioned this before about the parade I believe. I’ll be the coordinator for the Kingdom and working on getting groups to join in with a group or float, and I originally thought we might each have something to add, which some can if they want, but for the main group I want to start a circus. It would fit right in with the parade and at each stop we can set it up for shows and stalls to sell things. It will also be good for other things we’ve got planned. Let me know if you are interested in having some part in this.
Acudia has finished a picture he was working on for this and I finished my announcement scroll picture, so there is now a post up on the official forums for this event and a discord server separate from the Tir Adheirich one so that members of other Kingdoms can join in the parade and coordinate things. I’ve made the name a link to that post and also copied it to here for those that just want to see it and not go to another site.

This is an opportunity to show off some of your hard work in game. Sign up as a group that wears the armor and weapons your blacksmith makes, or bring the prize animals you breed. If you plan on being an artist, build a float to place some of your artwork on for all to see. The possibilities are endless!

Parade Discord

After joining the discord welcome channel, please post which Kingdom you are in as well as your interest in the parade, be it as a participant or organizer.

We look forward to having you join us!

Last edited by Cynnwynn; 07-06-2017, 10:06 AM.