Best part of Torchlight, FERRETS!
Speaking of which, how is it that I’ve been in OTG this long and we don’t have a Ferret Emoji on the forums yet? >.<
We can’t have nice things.
Who do I have to have sex with to get a title? Hopefully not monkey boi or pink panties dude…eech.
They tend to be pretty tight-lipped about it, but i think you just told them what choice to give you. /facepalm
… The jokes write themselves, folks!
LOL. I had a feeling that monkey bois in pink panties would figure prominently in the response to your post. WTG!
I feel honored and embarrassed at the same time. Weird.
I signed up for BETA just because I played them all.
anyone have an idea when they will release the beta?
I thought it said December for BETA and 2019 for release.