Using the New Site

I’m sure you have noticed that things look a lot different from our previous websites. It might be a bit confusing at first, but here are a few pointers to make finding or posting content a little easier.

***NOTE - One big change is that you do not need special permissions to view a specific game. Once you are a member, you can view almost all areas of the site, with a few exceptions (officer forums, etc.)

CATEGORIES - Games will usually have a main general (public) category that can be seen by everyone. Some games such as WoW Alliance will also have a private section, which can only be viewed by members. For instance, if you wanted to find our policies and procedures, they will be in the private section, while Intra-guild invites will be public section. These are broad categories only and all posts will go in one of those two categories for WoW Alliance.

The categories for WoW Alliance are:

World of Warcraft: Alliance - Public, Main category for WoW Alliance
WoW A - Private - All Topics, Subcategory for WoW Alliance
WoW A Wiki - Private - Game-related topics/guides/info, Subcategory for WoW Alliance
WoW A Staff - Private - Officers Only, Subcategory for WoW Alliance

So how do we narrow down topics? We do that with TAGS.

TAGS - Tags are used to further organize / find posts. For instance this post has several tags: wow, alliance, guide, info, discourse. Doing a search for any of those words will bring this topic up, along with other posts sharing that tag.

You can find a list of tags HERE.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask an officer. You can also read THIS POST for more info.


A post was split to a new topic: Testing