So I recognize that any advice is subjective in nature and I do not want to put anyone on the spot. Let me tell you where I am, and some ideas I have on my next Warframe and a few weapons–maybe. I suspect I am far away in time from Edilon hunting so I am primarily concerned with a solid , survivable, high DPS warframe and associated weapons.
Currentley l am MR 3, Excalibur at 26.(will take it to 30)
I am looking at a Chroma ( Ice build) or a Rhino next. Weapons are a bit iffy but so far I seem to do well with duel wield axes and a rifle. Looking at playing with a Fragor (sp?) as I have a the blueprint and I want to experiment with a hard hitting 2 hander. (Understand a Leston may be the way to go in future) I still have no solid Idea of what I am doing but I am still learning.
So ideas for next Warframe? and associated weapons?
Maybe I am looking at the wrong things–should probably be more into Mods and all those things I do not yet understand–but I feel I need a solid Warframe to advance ( not that there is anything wrong with Excaliber–just want to switch up)
Well fin you should look to getting rhino 1st hes a much easier farm and a lot easier to understand/build then chroma. As far as weapons go at mr3 you should be lvling everything you can get your hands on. if your looking for a weapons that you can get at low lvl that you can use to kill higher lvl mobs, the Hek (mainhand shotgun) and the lex (pistol) are a good place to start. if you want to get a little more in depth hit me up on discord theres just to much to type. Im on most days 10am est for about 1 hr then 12noon till 3 on weekdays. If you catch me online ill gladly go over builds with you.
I’m only MR6 (just got it last night) but most of that has been on the back of Rhino, Boltor, Othos and a Carrier with a Sweeper. Tanky, lots of bullets into enemies, a melee weapon with ridiculous range and a companion that sucks up everything in a 20 mile radius. It’s not the most powerful or the best and I’m starting to hit the limits of where I can take that combo but it’s served me well for quite a long time.
Looking through the options I suspect I will go with Rhino also–and I am leveling almost every weapon --should probably go back to initial issue weapons and finish those off–but they seem so–gimped :).
I really like this game, because–it is really a set of instanced play–missions I mean–so I can put it down after an hour and not feel as if I am missing the persistent world, then pick it back up. Am getting a bit hooked though–it does sort of grow on you.