WoW Classic

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Hey WoWers! :wow:

I’ve seen a few comments here and there about the upcoming WoW Classic. Many details came out at Blizzcon, including a Demo version of the game for virtual ticket holders. Has anyone been playing? :wowe:

I did an ally mage, since that was my first max level toon. Starting at level 15 (which is what they gave you) I ran around and quested in Westfall. I got to drink every 2 kills, cuz I ran out of mana. I got to run around looking for my quest areas, actually reading the quest, because no big shiny GO HERE arrow exists on the maps. I was a naysayer to WoW Classic before, but I have to admit, it was fun and brought back a lot of memories. I even managed to finish a level!

Classic will be free with your WoW subscription and will release summer 2019. The demo is available for 2 more days, until Nov 8. I’ll be honest, I’m not sure if I would pay for this game. But since it’s included in my wow sub, I’ll definitely dabble! :fire: :snowflake:

Wowhead has a great article about their experience, with lots of screenshots!

Did anyone else play? Any interest in playing when it comes out :wowq:

Heya @Hashberry!

I played the demo a bit over the weekend, recreating my old Night Elf hunter. I forgot to turn on nameplates and ran straight towards the entrance to the Deadmines. Didn’t make it far. Definitely an authentic experience. :slight_smile:

Since they’ve said it’s coming out this summer, I’ll definitely play. It’ll be a good pastime as I wait for Pantheon to bring some new old-style gaming.

Very sweet. First LOTRO Legendary and then WoW Classic. I will be drowning in Nostalgia :wink:

Blizzard is actually headed towards fleshing out an entire Classic division. With the re-release of Warcraft 3, WoW Classic, and Starcraft, they seem to be headed in the right direction for that!

I’ll give it a bit of a go when it releases… I didn’t buy a virtual ticket this year, so wasn’t able to try… Looks like I won’t bother with a mage!

Nostalgia is not the same to me since Turbine Killed AC. I really didn’t play it that much in recent years, but it still bummed me out when they perm’d it.

Sad day for gaming!