Not sure about you guys, but for me I have finally completed the exalted grind on all BFA factions on my Warlock.
Then I had the big ‘what now’ question. Not quite ready to game hop yet.
Ilvl and gear progression is an endless chase, and I think it is a bit soon for that. In Legion I hyper focused on one mage, did progression raiding, got its gear way up there, and then as time went on and all of the Argus catchup came online, it felt like all of that time was wasted because you could get the same or better from Argus.
So this time for me it is alt play time. I don’t know which class I like the most in BFA, and I have a crap ton of 110s just sitting around idle. So it is time to take those out for a spin and see which is the most fun.
You see right now you have a few things working for you. First, each week you get more levels for the same amount of azurite. This is the first catchup mechanism. You can sit there and cap out your weekly azurite gain, or you can kick back and let that passive per week catchup mechanism do the grind for you. Yep sign me up for that. I am not going to grind out IEs on every alt every week. Nope, not gonna do that.
Next, they tossed in the Arathi bosses which drop 340 gear, and the raid boss which drops 370. If you just do the emissaries and bang out the warfront bosses per week, your alts will get lots of rep and item level for a minimal time investment. LFR wings are still opening up. Might as well get people to 120 now so they can go and do that stuff over time.
Feedback on what I have played so far
Warlock- Affliction is the raid spec now, bursting right and rotating right is the key here, lots of micro management. I hear demonology is fun but not really good for raiding, and destruction is solid, but I did that one expansion, and would rather play some other class that roots you as you cast. You still have to sit still to cast, and they still have ranged hose stuff that seems to make you move faster than you can complete seed of corruption. This class was fun to solo WQs, but I don’t really want to raid with it.
Shaman- Tried enhancement. Fun with lots of pyrotechnics. Squishy compared to other classes when soloing, have to use burst and earth elemental to get through tougher fights. Can be very streaky with procs for fun burst spikes, the exact opposite of affliction. Right now sucks on DPS tables though, so parking it for now.
Warrior- Tried fury. Very smooth on WQs, though big bosses can be hard. Faster action with skills. I hear Arms is just a huge wrecking ball of AOE DPS, and I might flip that way. Was fun taking to 120, not sure about raiding.
Demon Hunter- my present project. AOE DPS is insane. For WQs just mount up, pull as many as I dare, then eyebeam and grind into component parts. Fun. This class for me became a lot more fun when I took movement out of the DPS rotation and just reserve it for positioning. Not sure how this will finish at 120 (at 112 now), but sure is fast and fun.
On Deck: Monk, Hunter, Paldin, Mage, Rogue for the 110 to 120 push.
Way further: Got my Lightforged Dranei, Iron Dwarf, and later Kul Tiran druid to do. Oh and a DK.
Gold- BFA is basically a cash drain. Even lucky BOE drops are harder to sell with time. Mats from previous expansions are selling for me. So taking allied races from 20 to 120 might be a cash positive thing to do. You can minimize the gold drain in BFA by going double gathering, and just posting raw mats, and use the gold to buy what you need.