If you are already an OTG member and wish to join us as we adventure through Middle Earth on either the traditional server or the Legendary server, please make a reply here & let us know what games you are currently playing.
The OTG featured game chapter is on the GLADDEN server
OTG has a general chapter on the ANOR legendary server
Once we verify your request, our Recruiting Officer EATherrian will send you a PM with the information on how to get an in-game invite on both servers. Please follow those instructions. Once we authorize your request we will note it in this thread.
It’s been several years since I played Lotro. I would like to get an invite back to the chapter. Trying to get a friend of mine hooked on Lotro. I cannot remember if invites are account based or not. Kypdoomfist is my main or Burtric I will be playing with my friend.
Hi- you were added to the guild roster back on April 01-2018. You would have received a welcome letter with instructions on how to get an in-game invite.
I was a member of OTG a long time ago and FINALLY retired so have much more time to play. I re-started LOTRO about a year ago and have been crafting my way up… (YEA READ SLOW AND BORING - but after work with a few beers hitting a bunch of keys just wasn’t working)
Anyway, was at Henstracers farm the other day and saw “Timonius” and plodded my plight. Well after numerous attempts, I finally got logged here and now want to put at least 1 of my 7 toons in the kinship. I am thinking that “Tresogar” (hunter) would be the best as it is the easiest to use (IMHO) and I actually enjoy playing with him for this reason. He is in his mid 50’s I believe and again IMHO could hand my lvl 70 minstrel his hat!
If things work out I may want to join other toons but even though I have many years in LOTRO (was an original ‘Lifetime’ member) and still consider myself a rank noob. So will need MUCH guidance!
Anyway, that is it.
BTW. I was Soreye on the orld forums. Now I am S0reye as I had to create a new account. In game you can contact me as “Tresogar” as I said.
Also, I have “Discord” installed and tried it with a friend p2p whilst playing WTG. We didn’t like it and went back to ventrilo but will use as I understand how important voice comms are.
Hello there, I hope somebody sees this. I am moving kins on Gladden. Have not been on Gladden for very long (only since this past autumn). Would like to move my main + alts to OTG because I have heard great things about your kinship ! I can be reached in-game @ Hendunaron, Mercanon, currently (those are the alts I am currently focusing on) Thanks for your time.
I am a current member of OTG and an active player of the Final Fantasy Online Chapter under Fizzywinks. I would like to join the LOTRO Chapter/Kin. Have several toons that I would like to possibly submit for consideration (If multiple toons are allowed to join):