Pledge Level - alpha
Account name (Pantheon forums name) - Kridak
Character names - Kridak
Pledge Level - Alpha
Account name (Pantheon forums name) - Joren
Character names - Joren/AuraBlast
Pledge Level pre-alpha, alpha, beta
Account name (Pantheon forums name) -Greyskin
Character Name-Furyfist
Pledged pre-alpha.
Forum Name - Horse
Character Names - Horse, Horsepally
Are they bringing over the past forum post, from the old forum, or do you need us to resubmit our info?
Good morning Finbar,
At the moment we still have access to the old forums, along with the sign up spreadsheet on google, so I am going to say that things are fine as they are for the moment. If this changes, I will let everyone know.
thank you for checking!
The old forums will be around for a very long time as a read only archive. No reason to copy forum posts wholesale, since everything on the old forums are accessible.
pledge Level: Alpha
Account Name: Memorydump
Character Names: Barak, Kheldar if I can
Edited: Changed pledge level to get in on Alpha
Pledge Level: pre-alpha
Account name: vanster
Character names : Kyuss
Pledge Level - Advisor (Alpha)
Account Name - Griz
Character Name - Griz
What does this mean as far as the possibility of actually getting into Alpha?
Pledge level: Alpha
Character name: Jax
Pledge Level: Alpha
Account Name: kellewic
Character Name: Kellewic
Pledge Level: Alpha
Account Name: AjtheIV
Character Name: AjtheIV
I will log and check I believe I have. Would either be Daelvil or Starvan. will post in bit with info. thx
Pledge Level: Adviser
Account: Daelvil
Character Name: Starvan Nicodeus
Pledge Level: Pre-Alpha
Account: Aena
Character Name: Syrneth
I thought I had pledged on the VB5 forums but didn’t see my name on the spreadsheet. But since then, I have changed from a free pledge to a Supporter pledge so I have Beta Access. So…
Pledge Level: Beta
Account name: chausta
Character name: Chausta
Awesome. I’ll get the sheet updated to match!
The spreadsheet should be up-to-date now for members. I’ve revised the guild totals as well in the original post.
I feel like I’m missing from the spreadsheet? I assume it’s in alphabetical order from our forum name?