Post here if you have Pledged (Testing Signups Open)


Looks like a few entries slipped through the cracks. I’ve scanned back through this thread and I think everyone’s listed now. If you don’t see your name in the spreadsheet, just let me know and I’ll get it sorted out ASAP.

Hey all. I just got approved as a brand new member of OTG! Thanks for having me.

Pledge Level - ALPHA
Account name (Pantheon forums name) - DJAI
Character names - Djai, ???

Subject to change, of course, but right now I’m planning to play a Dire Lord and a Druid. The races that most interest me are ogre and dark myr. The tank/offtank role will be my main.

Welcome as the new lead Design! Thank you for taking on the position. I was inadvertently left out of the spreadsheet and would love to be added to it. Just making sure I have every available chance to hang with the guildies when we’re all able to log in.

I’ll copy the information here again, so you don’t have to go searching for it.

Pledge Level - Alpha
Account name (Pantheon forums name) - Joren
Character names - Joren/AuraBlast

Thanks again!

Sorry for the oversight,@Joren.

I’ve remedied that error. You’re info’s in the Google Sheet now! :slight_smile:

Please add me to the spreadsheet as well. Can’t wait to see some of you in Alpha!


Hey @Djai!

What’s your Pantheon forum name and planned character name(s)? Just let me know and I’ll add you to the spreadsheet ASAP.



Also “Djai”, forum and main character name. And pledge level is Alpha access. Thanks!


Champion, Alpha, Beta . If you need more info let me know.

You’re all set, @Daelvil. Looks like we already had you in the spreadsheet! :slight_smile:


Pledge Level: Alpha
Account name: Dracokalen
Character name: Dracokalen (at least for now)

Pledge Level: Originators Pledge, Pre-Alpha1
Account name: Grymmlocke
Character name: Grymmlocke, Greystorm

Guild application has been submitted, but hasn’t been processed yet. Just thought I would go ahead and enter my info.

Perfect. I’ve added you both to the spreadsheet.

@Grymmlocke - when your application process is finalized, send me a PM on the Pre-Alpha forums and I’ll get you set up for the private NDA channel on Discord.

Woo hoo!

I’ll get with you as soon as I get final confirmation.

Pledge Level pre-, alpha
Account name SoZoo
Character names -SoZo

Hi @Cali,

I’ve updated the spreadsheet to include your info. If you send me a PM on the Pre-Alpha forum (and are already on the OTG Discord), I’ll get you added to the NDA channel for the upcoming PA-4 testing sessions.

